Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Val Ellis update

  • I live in Riverside Idaho
  • My wife and I have 7 kids. a 21 year old and 6 teenagers.
  • I've been a chiropractor for 13 years and practice in Blackfoot.
  • What would surprise people about me most?...My oldest son and I played the King and the Prince in Cinderella at the Nuart last year.
  • What is my favorite high school memory?...Could be all the fun we had being dude cheerleaders at the powder puff game, could be playing fag tag after chamber singer concerts, but I'm going to pick winning the bathing beauty contest while wearing Pauline Stucki's swimming suit at the opening social at Jensen's grove. Actually that has been the high point of my entire life.
  • Most interesting thing I've done in the last 25 years?... Where to start, there is so much...I'll have to go with that time when I created a scooter powered solley by bovine flatulants.
  • My greatest accomplishment or honor in the last 25 years?...Hands down, finding my wife. She is a really amazing lady and I love her more then everything. I know that sounds sappy, but nothing else I've done is as great.
  • Music: Nickleback, three doors down, goo goo dolls
  • Movies: Braveheart, Shawshank redemption, Nacho Libre
  • Interest: Kayaking, skiing, dinking around with the fam, creating mountain scene mosaics out of stone tile pieces cut like puzzle pieces on a tile saw.
  • I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys at the 25 year reunion. We have a remarkable class full of genuinely cool people.

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